How To Transition From One Industry To Another

Plus: Strategies For Building Transferable Skills

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It’s Sunday, 12th May 2024, and in this week’s roundup, learn in 5 minutes or less:

  • Career Advice: How To Transition From One Industry To Another

  • Mindset: Cultivating a Growth Mindset to Develop Transferable Skills

  • The Weekly Round-up: The UK officially exits the recession, the “Sift” method is developed to help fight fake news, and is the Traveling Village a solution for Parents who want to travel?

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Taking the Leap: My Journey Across Industries

Hey everyone,

Have you ever considered switching industries? It can seem like a daunting idea, right? I've been there! Transitioning from one industry to another is no small feat, but I'm here to share my experience and tips to help you make the leap with confidence.

Why Change Lanes?

For me, the decision to switch came from a desire for new challenges and growth opportunities that weren't available in my former field. Whether for similar reasons, a shifting job market, or just a passion for something new, changing industries can rejuvenate your career and open doors to exciting prospects.

Here’s How I Did It:

Skill Audit: First, I assessed my transferable skills. It’s all about figuring out what you're good at that can also be useful in another industry. I quickly realized I could provide value to a CIO that no one else inside of IT could. I had the ability to analyze and communicate the financial benefits of any resource a CIO wanted.

Dive into Research: I cannot stress this enough—know your new field. I found a mentor, read industry reports, and kept up with the latest trends. Learning about technology and how it impacts finances made me a valuable asset within the IT organization.

Bridge the Skill Gap: Identifying skills I lacked was a game changer. I took online courses and attended conferences and gained knowledge from where I could to fill the gaps. This not only boosted my resume but also my confidence. I quickly became the CIO's right hand and was in charge of Strategy and Planning, as his IT Finance Manager.

Network, Network, Network: I reached out to people already working in the field, attended industry meetups, and joined relevant forums online. Networking can open up opportunities that are not advertised and give you insights you can’t find anywhere else.

Customize Your Branding Materials: My resume and LinkedIn profile got a major overhaul. I tailored them to highlight my relevant skills and experiences that would appeal to leaders in the Tech industry. Every job application had a personalized cover letter, showing my enthusiasm and how my background aligns with the company’s goals.

Stay Open and Patient: Switching lanes might mean starting a notch or two lower than where you are right now. It did for me. But the new experiences you gain are invaluable. Be patient, keep learning, and you’ll climb up before you know it.

Transitioning industries has been one of the most rewarding decisions of my career. It’s not just about the paycheck—it’s about personal growth, meeting new people, and pushing your boundaries.

Remember, it's never too late to redefine your career path. If I could do it, so can you!

Let’s embrace the challenges and turn them into opportunities.

Until next time,

Anokye - CoFounder, The CareerGuard

👉Follow us on Instagram; we plan to conduct a series on your money mindset and its impact on career decisions over the next few weeks; comment and engage with us your thoughts when you see the posts…


Cultivate a Growth Mindset: As someone deeply invested in personal and professional growth, I've found that cultivating a growth mindset is key to developing transferable skills that span across various industries and roles.

Embracing the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work has transformed my approach to learning and skill acquisition.

This mindset encourages me to view challenges as opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills rather than obstacles.

This has enhanced my adaptability and problem-solving skills and increased my value as a versatile professional in a competitive job market.

Here are some actionable steps you can take to foster this mindset and enhance your skill set:

Embrace Challenges: View challenges as opportunities to learn rather than insurmountable obstacles. Each time you face a difficult situation, try to see it as a chance to develop your skills and grow.

Practice Reflective Learning: After completing a task or project, take time to reflect on what you learned from the experience. Ask yourself what went well, what could be improved, and how you can apply these lessons in the future.

Set Learning Goals: Instead of just performance goals (achieving a specific outcome), set learning goals (acquiring new skills and knowledge). This shift in focus will help you prioritize growth and development.

Seek Feedback: Regularly seek constructive feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and to refine your skills.

Celebrate Progress: Recognize and celebrate small victories and progress along your learning journey. This will reinforce your belief in your ability to grow and improve your motivation to keep pushing forward.

Cultivate Curiosity: Stay curious about new experiences and knowledge. Curiosity drives you to explore and understand different perspectives, essential for developing versatile and adaptable skills.

Expand Your Comfort Zone: Regularly step out of your comfort zone to try new things or take on challenging tasks. This practice not only builds new skills but also boosts your confidence in handling diverse situations.

By integrating these steps into your daily routine, you'll nurture a growth mindset that facilitates the development of transferable skills and prepares you for success across various domains.



Changing careers with no experience isn’t as hard as you think! Leave a comment with jobs and niche places you’ve worked that you’re strug... See more


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Before You Go

Business: This week, the UK officially exited its recession, posting its fastest growth in two years. According to the latest official figures, the economy grew by 0.6% between January and March. This rebound comes after a challenging period at the end of last year when the UK experienced consecutive contractions over two three-month periods, signaling a recession.

Tech:  Digital literacy experts have developed a method known as the "Sift" strategy, aimed at helping individuals identify fake news and misleading content on social media. According to Amanda Ruggeri, the strategy involves a four-step process that, although it may seem time-consuming at first, requires only a few minutes and can prevent the spread of harmful misinformation.

Travel: A solution for working parents who want to travel?
"The Travelling Village" is an innovative initiative designed for digital nomad families, created by Danish entrepreneurs Nikolaj Astrup and Michelle Rødgaard-Jessen. It addresses the challenges of isolation and lack of traditional support networks by offering a communal living and traveling experience across three Asian locations over four months. The project provides co-housing, communal activities, work groups, and shared childcare, facilitating easier transitions and a supportive environment for both parents and children while on the move.


Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

Jennifer Lee


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